Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Explore yourself

Remind yourself who you are

God is our parent, and we are his and her children

For young people, waiting for the time they have an epiphany that they’re really good at something to which they should apply their time, effort, and creativity can be very difficult. Sometimes life can seem very challenging in that you’re trying to figure out your identity: who you are and where you have been. One of the most important things is that it’s good to search, to explore, to question, but always remember who you are and who your Heavenly Parent is. God is our parent, and we are his and her children. In that way we can anchor ourselves. Even though we may explore and question, our anchor remains intact, and we are solid in knowing who we are as divine beings, as special and precious human beings.

knowing who you are make people secure

Today I tell young people to experience everything they can in the world. They need to directly or indirectly experience everything in the world, as if they were devouring an encyclopedia. It is only then that they can form their own identity. A person’s self-identity is his clear subjective nature. Once a person has the confidence to say, “I can go all around the country, and I will never come across a person who is capable of defeating me,” then he is ready to take on any task and have the confidence to accomplish it successfully. When a person lives life in this way, he will be successful. Success is assured.
¨Peace-Loving Global Citizen¨ Rev. Sun Myung Moon

1 comment:

  1. There is nothing compelling in the title "How to Identify yourself as family member"

    But "who to make people feel secure" sounds attractive, curious, compelling - because it is something people want.

    There few more questions:

    How much the text gives the info and answers the reader is searching? What principle, yet very helpful and understandable the reader will find?

    In fact the introduction in this post is missing. It has to synthesize the main points and introduce the reader to the content in attractive way. Yet, it should provide info of where the content comes from.
