Friday, April 15, 2011

Lost generation to Generation of Peace

Change a negative message or understanding or indictment of the lost generation into something that is extremely empowering, inspiring, and hopeful.

“We are a lost generation,”

and it conveys a whole litany of things that we’re not going to be or do. It’s a pessimistic look at how possibly a young person going through difficult times might be looking at his or her world. “I’m a part of this lost generation, of this generation that’s going to put work before my family, is not going to understand the value of my children, and is going to factor in my divorce even before I get married.” All of these things are so depressing.

I hear that a child is lost, to my ears it means that child is lonely, an orphan seeking some understanding or truth. Many times young people feel lost when they cannot find their center, or core, or an understanding, or their relationship with God.
Instead of understanding this page of words and letters as almost a declaration of a lost generation, a generation that is lonely like an orphan, constantly seeking, never satisfied because it doesn’t have the truth, when we change the way of looking at exactly the same thing, we can turn a pessimistic, depressing, and hopeless message into one that is inspiring and promising.
Now the message alludes to a generation that is not lost but one that is found in God, in the understanding that we are his and her children.

Generation of Peace
I’ve defined what Generation of Peace is all about by understanding the word peace as an acronym. We are children of our Heavenly Parent, P. And E reminds us that we are their Eternal sons and daughters, with eternal meaning that we are divine human beings having incredible worth and a reservoir of true love that, once it’s tapped, we can do extraordinary things.
In the letter A, we see our philosophy of Altruism, living for the sake of others—not dying for the sake of others, but truly living, being empowered, and celebrating the life we have been given. We understand the importance of and the need for Compassion, C, in this cold, cold modern world. And so we recognize the value of empathy, being able to put ourselves in someone else’s shoes and loving somebody not because we have to but because we want to.
Through the beautiful touch or healing of words of encouragement and nurture that we share with one another, we can become much stronger in our emotional, spiritual, and physical make-up. The final E stands for Excellence of internal and external—meaning we are internally excellent in terms of our life of faith and our understanding of who we are and what we need to do.
We are not a lost generation drifting on an endless sea with no direction, but we have a clear direction and purpose in our life. We know what we need to do. We know that we need to seize the moment, seize each day and make it worthwhile because, one step at a time, we are going toward that beautiful world we’re going to call our own, the world of peace.
In Jin Moon

To see our Creator as Parent

Religious fundamentalism is a serious poison, as it can always be used to justify terrible atrocities -- murders, invasions, crusades.

The fundamentalist remains self-justified and filled with self-righteousness. Thus he can strap on a bomb and kill hundreds of idolaters in the name of God. Thus he can remain hateful, judgmental, spiteful, and vengeful. Imagine a world full of these kinds of peoples. That is not somewhere I would wish to be. This sounds more like a vision of hell than of heaven to me.

Religious conflict

On September 11, 2001, we all felt utter horror when the World Trade Center twin towers in New York City were destroyed by terrorists. Some people said this was the inevitable clash of civilizations between Islam and Christianity. But my view is different. In their purest form, Islam and Christianity are not religions of conflict and confrontation. They both place importance on peace. In my view, it is bigoted to brand all Islam as radical, just as it is bigoted to say that Islam and Christianity are fundamentally different. The essence of religions is the same.

Common understanding

In 1984, I brought together forty religious scholars, instructing them to compare the teachings that appear in the sacred texts of Christianity, Islam, Buddhism, and other major world religions. The book that resulted from their efforts was World Scripture: A Comparative Anthology of Sacred Texts, published in 1991. What they found was that the sacred texts of religions convey the same or similar teachings more than 70 percent of the time. The remaining 30 percent are teachings that represent unique points of each religion. This means that most of the teachings of the major world religions are the same at their core. On the surface, some believers wear turbans, some wear prayer beads around their necks, others carry the cross, but they all seek the fundamental truths of the universe and try to understand the will of the Creator.
¨As peace loving citizen ¨ Rev. Moon

Fundamentalism has, as its central failure, the inability to see all humankind as brothers and sisters stemming from a common divine source. It sees only in terms of saved and dammed. The blasphemers will all be doomed to the fires of hell for eternity, some believe.

One Family under God

If this is so, think about what kind of God that would be. It would be quite a malevolent God. But Rev. Moon teaches that we cannot enter the Kingdom alone, but we must enter with our family -- our human family. He teaches of universal salvation that even Hitler, Stalin, even the devil, Satan have been forgiven in the vastness of Gods Love.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Personal testimony : God is my parent

I grow up in a environment where my father had a alcohol problem. My parent were always fighting and my father used to hit my mother and throw things.
I build-up resentment towards my father. My mind were full of anger and hatred and I hated myself too, having these kind of feeling.  I was desperately seeking way out for my internal pain. Then one night , I was alone in my room one thought or voice came that
¨Real parent can die for there children¨
I felt so much love and warmth through this thought or voice.

After a short time I met some one who introduce me to the Divine Principle which is the doctrine from Unification church. 
Through the Divine Principle I came to know that
God is my parent.
Why people are suffering because our ancestor had made mistake therefore couldn't become true parent.
But now True Parents - Messiah is here with us.
After I learned these thing I was be able to forgive my father.
And I'm still learning.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Explore yourself

Remind yourself who you are

God is our parent, and we are his and her children

For young people, waiting for the time they have an epiphany that they’re really good at something to which they should apply their time, effort, and creativity can be very difficult. Sometimes life can seem very challenging in that you’re trying to figure out your identity: who you are and where you have been. One of the most important things is that it’s good to search, to explore, to question, but always remember who you are and who your Heavenly Parent is. God is our parent, and we are his and her children. In that way we can anchor ourselves. Even though we may explore and question, our anchor remains intact, and we are solid in knowing who we are as divine beings, as special and precious human beings.

knowing who you are make people secure

Today I tell young people to experience everything they can in the world. They need to directly or indirectly experience everything in the world, as if they were devouring an encyclopedia. It is only then that they can form their own identity. A person’s self-identity is his clear subjective nature. Once a person has the confidence to say, “I can go all around the country, and I will never come across a person who is capable of defeating me,” then he is ready to take on any task and have the confidence to accomplish it successfully. When a person lives life in this way, he will be successful. Success is assured.
¨Peace-Loving Global Citizen¨ Rev. Sun Myung Moon